Advanced content management for email marketing

Struggling to create beautiful, on‑brand email campaigns with the tools in your current platform? You need mailCMS

Create better emails, faster

With intuitive asset management and super‑quick drag‑and‑drop email creation, mailCMS enables your existing team to create amazing email campaigns in minutes, ready to send from any platform.

No code icon

No-code email development

Drag and drop done right - with an intuitive visual editor and a design system of modules and components created exclusively for your brand.

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Integrated image management

Upload, crop, re‑size and optimise images from your computer, or browse your in‑built gallery of assets - no need for external software.

Snippets icon

Re-usable, exportable content snippets

Save individual or grouped modules to your library, drop into new campaigns or export as HTML snippets with cloud‑hosted images.

Kinetic icon

Kinetic email component support

Boost engagement and dazzle your subscribers with enhanced features like countdown timers, carousels and hotspots, all editable without code.

Personalisation icon

Stay relevant with easy, powerful personalisation

Add merge fields to your content or set conditional display rules for modules, using your target platform’s personalisation language.

Export icon

Export to your email platform in seconds

Export directly to a growing number of platforms or download send‑ready HTML code to upload and send from literally anywhere.

Build with mailCMS, send with anything

Get set for success

Work faster

Speed up your production workflow and respond quicker to change requests with our simple yet powerful content management tools.

Keep in control

Our editor has tightly‑controlled formatting options to ensure every email that is created from your carefully crafted, bespoke master template stays on‑brand.

Slash costs

No more outsourcing - dramatically reduce your development overhead by enabling your own team members to create professional email in‑house.

“mailCMS has provided us with a way to ensure all our emails look consistently branded and professional.

“As a premium brand with high visual standards we are able to continue to stand out from the crowd with bespoke emails which are easy to build and reliable. Our marketing team can build faster and with confidence knowing we are providing high quality emails to our customers.

Sophie Lett, Head of Marketing, Borg & Overström

Ready to take a look?

Set up your free, no‑obligation demo call and discover how mailCMS can unlock the potential of your existing team and software stack.

Not ready for a demo, but curious to learn more? Our friendly, helpful team are here to help:

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you requested from us.